Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Its 'chu er' oredi and i juz bek from frens house and most importantly is--i lose in gambling..haha..not so good luck la#.#

A tired but enjoyable day bcs can sing at frens house..the karaoke machine quite nice..but RM6000++...lol..mayb is too costly for me now..hehe

Got a lot of angpao dis year and hope can get more 2ml and onwards..hehe

Chinese new year reli makes all ppl in good mood and interacting in all ways--chit-chat,eating,playing...its nice too have dis for current citizens that are busy and chasing life..appreciate ur holiday and have fun!!

Song Playing--老夫老妻(潘裕文)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy CNY!!!

After a night at Genting Highlands and having a slip at the floor..haha..yeah...is on the floor..(bcs the bed is not enuf)@@'

Its actually warm to have a vacation with ur family and chit-chat together at night on the bed^^

Its more ppl than last year and most of the activities are crowded with ppl including outdoor and indoor theme park games..SO,i tink i will just walk thru the place,watch some movies and hanging with my laptop at Starbucks.haha

'30th night' for chinese culture are vy vy vy important bcs all family members shud sit together and having dinner--we called 'tuan yuan fan'.

A wishes to all CNY celebrator-GONG XI FA CHAI

Friday, January 23, 2009


y i am such a moody mood while cny approching??erm..most of the reasons are exam i tink..haha..preparing for sem 2 acc and feel like ntg to revise but actually many..lol@.@

2ml will head to Genting Highlands and i hope dat my sister can meet us dere in safe condition..一路顺风for all travel vacaction ppl..happy cny!!^^

laz day b4 cny for exam and luck please follow with me..hope dat i will pass all subject dis sem..gambatte!!

Song playing-119(da mouth大嘴巴)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CNY mood--EXAM mode


Reading acc and i tink it is more easier than current sem d..lol..much much more(at least i understand).

Today packing 礼篮 untill all swt but thx to mum la for helping ^^costing me alot oso@.@

Suddenly,i feel i really like tinks about soccer(football in asia^^)all tinks include jersey.manchester united(of course^^),ball,players and certainly...football games!!!!
I can play it for straight 8 hours i tink bcs i tink i am the kind of person that if like smtg,i will continue it daily...i oso not sure...mayb i dont like to change my daily routine...if can.

My wishes in my hobbies is my favourite player Fernando Torres from Liverpoo.f.c can trannsfer to my favourite team manchester united!!!hehe...that will be perfect and increase more my passion on watching games.

Izzit our desire for CNY will decrease according to increase in our age???erm...mayb depends..?.?But i certainly will not bcs there are plenty of foods that 'rarely'seen along the year can be eaten at CNY period..hehe!! AND of couse...ANGPAO la^^

Wan start packing to genting oredi..wish me have a safety and delighful CNY trip..i wish that the fireworks show can be seen clearly and not like laz year#.#

Album Playing-Serving You(卫兰JANICE)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009



After a week of 'hell' suffering from exam..i got a rest b4 i take my account and i want to conclude---I HATE ACCOUNT!!

A week of 'slip at 1 am and wake up at 4 am periods' really make me sick and i sometimes argue with myself y i am doing this..for a cert???...Mayb..@@

Is a person life's control by just a certificate??skill??luck??faith??hmmm....gods know question..


Regret makes no cure but only regret...For sure--please live with happiness and meaningful everyone.

God bless!(although i am not kristian or wat,but i assume god is cool and brave hanging at + with guds..mayb will be one of my idol^^AMEN!)


Recently i discover a nice software or webpage for someone who like to watch movies or entertainment news--PPS影音标准版

It is a updated on various movies that can be watching on9..mayb is quite outdate for someone..but...i oso juz discover oni ma^^

If u are interested can go http://dl.pps.tv/ to have a look and dl dis software la..thx for supporting..

Hope i will get good results dis sem...and......wish u all success and HAPY CNY!!^^

Songs playing-寂寞包厢(周定玮)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Just ate my dinner and prepare to~~~~~STUDY~~~~AGAIN!!lol....exam is getting nearer and mailto:mnearer@@ my progress for preparation is still..........under satisfaction!!damm...

Last nite donoe press wat wrongly and for the result---cant mailto:mon9@@ back to normal after re-install the whole connection^^Realli lazy to call and talk to the streamyx customer service@@lol..

Chee ming start his exam today and hope all the best to him and to all my y2m12 clazzmates!!hohoho!!And certainly...all tarcian!!

4 subjects in 3 days and i think i am going crazy..its juzt like the soccer team that play few games in a week...ouch!!tats is tired#.#

BUT!!!CNY is cuming and i tink tats motivate me to work harder on my studies...hhaaaha...hopefully all pass and get easy life and my final sem!!!^^

hohoho!!Good luck to all my frens and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!GONG HEI GONG HEI$.$

Song Playing-心跳(leehom)--Recommended

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Easy win!!

2.22am--manchester united 3-0 chelsea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brilliant performance by my dream team红魔^^..Din waste my time to watch this breathtaking match and turn up to no.3!!hohoho...

Today always stung by the mosquito..lol..waste my blood oni..kakazz..^^

Sleepy oredi and 2ml nid study hard kuk..@@Business econs---I LOVE U~~~~~~IS FAKE ONE!!HAHA

God bless all pre-exam ppl..*.*

Song Playing--挥不去你(陈仁丰)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Horrible exam!!


Aiks..actually cant slip late la at home town..last nite slip at 3am++..lol..
Wat can i do today??sure is study lo...final is approaching!!omg..@@got plss help me go through this and have a great CNY!!^^
Will go genting at 24th and for 2 consecutive year oredi..but dis time abit..erm...abit different..hehex..

Hope i will have a nice day la..gogogogo!

Songs playing-fahrenhait(最佳听众)

Friday, January 9, 2009


1am oredi----starring at exam books..die@@..no mood study plus so many subject dis sem..hosei!Time is golden to me bcs life can be so short and 2009-1988=21 oredi@@'..wat can do??study la..luckily got new leehom album accompany meeeee.....^^bought it even money is insufficient..damm!!hate t know dats truth@@! leehom rockssss...
Dis sem over oredi..exam time and i tink i will miss my classmaes..haha..the only 5 guys in the claz is insane!!^^thx for all my friends...
Song playing-大嘴巴(我就是喜欢你)