Monday, February 23, 2009


Weather is so unpredictable and i am so unlucky 2day..@.@

Finally i got chance to get out and play some basketballs at 6pm..BUT..with a bike..i become a 'under soup chicken' at 645pm..OMG..its cold and pain like hell one the road!!

There are chinese ppl passed away next road from my house and some rituals and praying going on now,mayb the sounds and voices from that is seems annoying for some ppls,but for me,it recalls me when my grandparents passed away.

Its oredi passed about 3 or 4 yrs time oredi but the scene for that period of time is still running in my head.Its quite a tough period for our related families members and frens.

Besides,some shocking quarrels happened and for the results,all things gone wrong and as a 3rd generation,what we can do is juz hoping that this is not real and back to the hapiness period.

BUT,life is life,ppl live,ppl die,something bad or good will come to an end and looking forward is a better choice. So,i hope,time will bring away the sad and tough period and bring back the happiness.

The sounds and voices has stopped.......

I miss you

Song Playing-下雨天(南拳妈妈)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Its 1-1 for liverpool and its quite complicated feelings for me now.

Although its is a secure results for MU but my idol torres is not in the score sheet and i think he
will feel dissapointed with that..he definately can do better!!!

Its quite a meaningless day for a holiday guy like me bcs i juz playing PS2 for the whole afternoon and its usual for me..

Human kinds are strange and uncomparable by others animals or species bcs we got feelings and emotion like hate,jealous,happy,sad and certainly...LOVE.When ur heart tied with someone you love,u will hoping to see her frequently and when it is not,u will start missing and thinking about her and the past that are only u 2 experienced.Its quite true and at least...i am

The weather is turning unpredictable dis few days bcs there were rains at noon for the pass few days and make me felt dizzy and sleepy.

RAIN-make ppl dislike but sumtimes love it.

Song Playing- 讲你知(张学友)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



is important in our matter is love from ur parents,love from ur siblings,love from ur frens and the most importantly...from ur lovers.

I juz came back from a movie name 游龙戏风 and i recommend to those who likes andy lau or shu qi bcs they reli acting well in the movie and the movie also add in many funny stuff..i felt comfortable while and after watching it.Besides,their are also some touching momment scene in the movie when the loves is finally accepted.It quite nice and suitable for couples.

There are a sentence that i agree from andy lau:


Its quite true bcs if it is urs,it wont fly away,but remember,try hard b4 its all too late.

Love is equal for matter how rich u r ,how pretty u r,ur love is same status with others,no exception.

I am happy to have her and thx for all the things she had done for me.

I wish everyone in the earth can found their true love....

Song Playing-(言承旭)我会很爱你

Monday, February 16, 2009


Do you believing in faith?

Do you believing in love at 1st sight?

Do you believe that there are smtg outdere that are cant explain with science and technology?

Do you believe that egg came b4 chicken or chicken came 1st?

Do you ?

Do you ?

Do you ?

Why so many question that cant be answered and tell u wat..i am quite believe in faith(bcs i cant explain WHY to myself at the most time^^)

There are millions and billions kinds of ppl outdere with different opinion and wat we can do is juz adopting to those we look up the most.Eg: family,friends,lovers and even collegues.


Its kind of weird to have a strange opening 2day but i juz giving my comment after reading some old novels for the whole day..haha..its free this holiday and i appreciate that to do something..something meanngful?i guess @.@

Faith can determines all kinds of things.

Eg: y u will meet this guy or gal in billions of ppl?y u born at malaysia?y u are a gal?y u act like this y u act like dat..ITS UNANSWERABLE

Its abit tired right now bcs a strange situation.

When exam period,u got no time to slip and rest.When holiday,u did the same for entertainment but not revision.(i am the one^^)

Laz nite is great for a soccer fans like me during a holiday bcs no matter how late is the match for manchester united,i will be in front of the TV^^.It was a easy win for MU and had satisfied me with their performance.I hope they will march on and win all titles^^

2ml will be a good day.Mayb i should have a sing..hehe

Song Playing-另一个天堂(leehom)

Friday, February 13, 2009


Sleep late and wake up late really will make ppl feel something wrong with ur spirit and mood..

Juz back from playing badminton and reli not in good condition to have sports recent times^^(mayb old oredi)

After sports,sure need to eat 'big pasar' really have many good stuff to eat and most important is come with a cheap price.Every night there are sure many ppl around dere even oredi midnite time..juz now i ate a big bowl of 'hokkien mee' and i want to recommend to u all.
It reli tasty and the soup.chicken leg,egg and some meat reli HOCHIAK!!^^it juz sold RM2.50 per bowl and of course..加料另计

Feel hungry at nite or midnite??go bm 'big pasar'...hahaha

In less than a hour,valentines day will reach and i wish all couples will stay tide forever and for the singles..good luck^^


Song Playing- 爱你的只有一个我(哈林)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Listening to a song that may touch everyone..or mayb describing my feelings..

方炯镔 - 坏人 作词:马嵩惟 作曲:方炯镔 编曲:杨阳 专辑:好人?!Abin


Its a normal day with different feelings...its bored and moody..its gonna valentines..and things going wrong..izzit my problems??Things not mess up in a hard period but will change at the final momment...its true and wat can do..juz smile and wait for he next sunny day..

2person in a world wont be the same and know wat the hell is each other thinking...

Its gonna be a long..long..long holiday..

Song Playing-坏人( 方炯镔)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Juz come bek from a movie-ONG BAK2

Its quite nice although the ending abit 'unpredictable'.The movie contains lots of actions and explosion,and it tells me that ppl besides you,close to you or you trust the most might be not!!Its quite horrible and harmful to the innocent parties.

Time mayb is the key of change for a relationship,when 2 person 2gether for a certain period of time,sometimes it will be so weird to know that her thinking and behaviour is unexpected and 2 person act like a stranger.

Love is strange,it will not find u when u need it and when it find u..its hard to maintain a relationship.Find an expert to solve problem??For me,there is no expert...

Hope all human mankind will find your beloved ones and maintain it perfectly...

Song Playing-沙滩(david tao)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Its over.....

Its over for CNY period and begin a new year with a new heart^^

Its ntg specials for 2day and i juz entertain myself watching newspaper,some movies and chit-chat with family(maybe dere are ppl now still 'throwing mandarin orange'^^)

Its juz a mormal weekend and like alex said..shake leg at home..ahaaa..wat can i do in dis 3 weeks??no early wake up..juz simple rest^^life is good(at least when u r free)

Its very nice if can have a trip overseas now like brother to hk..aiks..poor ppl cant hope and wish so much la..juz can have simple and normal mailto:life..@@

I tell you guys that with dragon and leo...u cant gamble or wat i means is..this year is not our years to try our luck..i tried and it cost me some $$ during cny mailto:period..haha@@

Remember, everybody got diifferent luck and destiny.we cant change that and what we can do is juz prepare ourself and wait for our opportunities to strike for succes!!

Song Playing-Times of your life(王若琳)

Sunday, February 8, 2009



Juz finish m.u match and enjoy it bcs continue winning and not far away from another EPL champion.hahaha.i juz love football!!^^

Its oredi monday and i believe many ppl will have holiday?i tink..yes unless you are the unlucky one's..haha..

Wat can i do in monday...erm..juz see and enjoy la..haha..i tink many ppl will go 'throw coconut' so that their wishes may cum true.but i din try,juz can see la @.@

Its laz day of CNY oredi..quite sad bcs have to wait another year to get angpao..haha..this year 'earnings' is quite ok..ONLY^^hope will get more and more for the followings year.

大宝森节got throw 'coconut' at the road
元宵节 got throw 'mandarin orange' into the sea

Haha,its objective is the same that is bring sumthing to ourself.
Throw 'coconut' brings luck and throw 'mandarin orange' sure is hoping brings your loves one's or partners to you la^^So,ladies and gentlemen which are single can go PENANG or BUTTERWORTH have a throw and remember brings the better 'looking' orange..haha

Wish all good luck and stay healthy forever.

Song Playing-ave maria(celine dion)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Finally,exam is over and can have 3 and a half weeks rest.ITS SO WONDERFUL!!^^And can continue my blog at last..hohoho

Have been sick for the past 2 days and i realised the importance of health..erm..mayb i should buy more insurance..hahaha..choi choi mailto:choi!!@@

Its still cny period and believe it or not.i have to go through my 初八夜and初九studying for my exam..wat the fcuk..juz dun understand why choose the day like dat for examination..i juz heard and saw whole night of fireworks and crackers rather than doing revision.haha

Its sem-breaking and wat can i do is juz rest i tink..haha..mayb will go a trip..but most in front is valentines day is approaching and i still cant figure out wat plan or gift for her..*.*Mayb i can do some revision on the net..^^

I had watched 2贺岁片 when cny period-家有喜事2009 and 大喜事

Its both so funny and i recommed ths 1st film to you if you love hong kong actors and cantonese style i realise why 吴君如 can get the Golden Horse Award.You noe wat..she is juz make me laugh load thru out the whole movie or even till cry..haha

On the other hand,the 2nd film is Singapore production and the crew is same with the previous hottest Singapore movie-老师嫁老大.The actors includes 范文芳.李铭顺.黑人 and the content is also very funny but contains additional touching stories.If have to compare,i prefer this one^^黑人is really have the sense of humour and he is good in acting娘娘腔..haha..its funny and i think the most memorable part for me is the' 咕咕叫'part..haha..

Now,i think i will have a movie this weekend..erm...mayb..the from andy lau and shu qi?who have already watched can leave me comment la..thx a lot..

Holiday time i wish my y2m12 frens happy holiday and stay alive^^

Song Playing-怪你过分美丽(哥哥)