Monday, February 23, 2009


Weather is so unpredictable and i am so unlucky 2day..@.@

Finally i got chance to get out and play some basketballs at 6pm..BUT..with a bike..i become a 'under soup chicken' at 645pm..OMG..its cold and pain like hell one the road!!

There are chinese ppl passed away next road from my house and some rituals and praying going on now,mayb the sounds and voices from that is seems annoying for some ppls,but for me,it recalls me when my grandparents passed away.

Its oredi passed about 3 or 4 yrs time oredi but the scene for that period of time is still running in my head.Its quite a tough period for our related families members and frens.

Besides,some shocking quarrels happened and for the results,all things gone wrong and as a 3rd generation,what we can do is juz hoping that this is not real and back to the hapiness period.

BUT,life is life,ppl live,ppl die,something bad or good will come to an end and looking forward is a better choice. So,i hope,time will bring away the sad and tough period and bring back the happiness.

The sounds and voices has stopped.......

I miss you

Song Playing-下雨天(南拳妈妈)

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